Why kids need to move in school – CNN

I'm fortunate to work for a great company that takes great care of their employees.  That's my new stand-up desk in the photo above.  This story about a school implementing the same idea is long overdue.  Seems a little bit silly that we have to "encourage kids to move so that they will want to move more later in life."

Come on!  Your bodies are made for movement and exercise.

Go enjoy it.


More teachers are incorporating some form of movement into the school day, especially as the research is pretty clear: Physical activity in school leads to better cognitive performance and fewer behavioral issues, not to mention cutting down on stress and anxiety.

Source: Move over, 'sit still'! Why kids need to move in school - CNN

About the Author
John Ashworth is an empathetic sales leader with an incredibly diverse background as a salesman, business consultant, marketing maniac, writer, Dad and full time Bohemian Athlete. aka Johnny Renaissance.