The keys to getting a good deal on your next car – part 2

written by john c ashworth
your Expert Cary Buyer

The keys to getting a good deal on your next car - part 2

Be Patient

I have to admit. One of the most frustrating experiences a car salesman can have is a customer who really knows what they are doing and who really knows how to be incredibly patient during the negotiating process.

Frustrating as it might be, however, some of my best relationships with customers came out of spending hoards of time with them, negotiating, and fighting for every inch of the deal. You tend to gain respect for one another during this process, and once completed, not only is the customer happy because they got such a great deal, but they know who they can come back to next time. And the next time, it's always easier for everyone involved, because you've been through it once before and you know where you're going to need to be to make a deal.

That's the point of this little story, of course, that no matter what, if you're patient and you're willing to fight, and your willing to walk away when you need to, you can get the price of the car you're buying down a lot lower than you think. EVERY time! There are always going to be situations where no matter how hard you fight, it might seem the dealer just won't move, but this will only be on inventory that is more unique and valuable, and likely to attract a different buyer who will be more apt to pay the dealer's price.

The point is...

Patience, my friend...patience

Their will be a direct correlation between the amount of money you save, and the level of patience and discipline you showed during the entire process. Especially during the negotiations. I plan to cover this process elsewhere, so for now, just remember, being patient and flexible are the keys. In part 3 of this course on the keys to getting a great deal on your next car, I will cover the importance of being flexible. Great deals on cars don't always arrive the way you expect them to, and sometimes, you have to be willing to change direction just a little in order to maximize your savings.


PS Always try and keep in mind the life and reality for the car salesman you're working with at the dealership. One of the reasons a patient customer can become so frustrating for the salesman is that they eat a lot of time, and more often than not, they walk away never to be heard from again. Not only does the salesman stand to make very little on a car deal like this, it steals precious time from them. Time that could be spent with a less informed and more willing customer. Don't get weak! Just be respectful, and make sure that the salesman understands that you are truly a buyer, but at YOUR price. Not theirs.

PPS I will probably always make it a point in these writings to grant you an inside look at the life and times of the car salesman, because I spent five years of my life earning my living this way and it's NOT easy. In fact, I believe strongly that every single one of us should spend time earning a living in a position from which 100% of your income is earned by selling stuff. It will change your perspective on business, and on sales for life. Imagine for a moment, for example, that one of these 'grinders' (YOU) walks in to a dealership on the last day of the month (because that's a good day to help maximize your savings) and you spend an entire afternoon with a salesman and can't make a deal. That salesman might need just one more deal to hit a bonus level that grants him $500, $1,000, or even $1,500 more on his paycheck for that month, and he's fighting with his sales managers to get you the price you want and simply cannot make it happen. He spends his last afternoon of the month with you. Devoted to you. And you don't buy. And he loses BIG time. Like I said...NOT easy. But before you get feeling too sorry for him, the reality is that most salesman can do a lot better working harder all the other days of the month so that they don't end up in this position. So, remember, this is about YOU and YOU getting a great deal. Just always try and keep a little perspective about who you're working with and what that experience might be like day after day. It will actually help you get a better deal, because salesman ALWAYS appreciate it when you treat them with respect and dignity (assuming they deserve it) even when you're grinding their commissions down to nothing. They still want to sell you a car no matter what.

Have fun!

About the Author
John Ashworth is an empathetic sales leader with an incredibly diverse background as a salesman, business consultant, marketing maniac, writer, Dad and full time Bohemian Athlete. aka Johnny Renaissance.

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