The concept of the prospect pyramid

Inside any group of prospects you might be pursuing it is vital to understand how literally any group you might be pursuing breaks down.

1% are rich

4% are affluent

15% are not only price-sensitive buyers, but they also have very little disposable income available to invest in what you have to offer.

80% of them are living on the edge financially and even thought they might have a dire need for what you have to offer, they simply can't afford it.

Likely, it will seem obvious to you now that the success of your business lies in effectively reaching the top 5%. The folks in this category can easily afford your product or service and can easily afford to buy from you again and again.

Crafting a reliable and effective marketing and sales system that allows you to reach the top 5% effectively is at the heart of your ability to run a successful business, be profitable, and build wealth.

Do you have one?

Most business, especially small businesses do NOT. Instead, the live on hope, sweat, and far too much elbow grease in order to eak out a living. That's not way to live, let alone run a business. might be time to get to work.

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The democratization of your marketing dollars is a mistake. The most effective way to build a business, especially a small business, is by spending MORE on HIGHER VALUE prospects than you spend to attract the less valuable ones.

Stop ignoring this. You're wasting a lot of money.


PS Here's the proof of this concept...I know this was true when I was running my fitness business.

The customers or clients that made you into the successful, profitable company you are today did not come from SEO, clicks, or social media. Either accidentally or on purpose, they came from connecting with and building relationships with people who for whatever reason decided they knew you, liked you and trusted you to take care of them.

About the Author
John Ashworth is an empathetic sales leader with an incredibly diverse background as a salesman, business consultant, marketing maniac, writer, Dad and full time Bohemian Athlete. aka Johnny Renaissance.

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