
[video] How to Double YOUR Energy level this afternoon!

I put this video up on my YouTube channel over the winter, and as I was going through potential drafts for a good blog post today, I thought this might be a good one. My time is limited and I gotta get moving so that I can get to work on time. There are a…

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This is 80% of the battle for fitness over 50

written by john c ashworth Consistency! Yeah, you probably could argue that this is 80% of the battle at any age. I might agree, and when people ask me what my secret to staying fit has been over the course of my life, the first thing I always say is, “consistency.” I’ve NEVER stopped. Ever!…

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Why what worked for Jack Lalanne in 1950 can work for YOU too

Good, solid, time-tested exercises and workouts do not become obsolete. What worked for Jack LaLanne in 1950, will still work for you today and for those still here in 2050. The United States Military knows this better than anyone. Which is why they have stuck with essentially the same exercise and physical fitness programs for…

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Top 10 GO-TO Workout Plans |

We all have that favorite workout that is the GO-TO plan when you miss your normal workout due to a variety of reasons such as a busy day at work, facilities closing early, and travel. Some people go back to a basic calisthenics circuit that they remember from the military, while other take a day…

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My Workout Rules

written by john c ashworth I’ve been coaching people for more than twenty years.  That means I’m significantly older than when I first started.  People are often curious about what I do for workouts and how I approach my own personal fitness, so I’ve shared it here.  Remember, each of us have to find out…

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[fitness friday] 5 Tips for your New Year Fitness Program

Here are my 5 tips for making your new year fitness program stick this year! John Ashworth, MA, CES The Fitness Nomad Here are my top 5 tips for your new year fitness program. I will present these in-person and live with Leigh Mills on NBC15 this evening. Back away from the cardiovascular exercise.  We…

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[fitness friday] Our unfit youth

written by john c ashworth, ma, cscs Here’s the LINK to the VIDEO segment! A new study from the CDC reports that over the last 10 years, regardless of a family’s economic status, our nation’s young people have become increasingly unfit every year over the last 10 years. A small, yet hidden example of why…

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