Julia Butterfly Hill – “The girl who lived in the tree.”  An amazing story about a girl who believed in something – Wikipedia


Julia Lorraine Hill (known as Julia "Butterfly" Hill, born February 18, 1974) is an American environmental activist and tax redirection advocate. She is best known for having lived in a 180-foot (55 m)-tall, roughly 1500-year-old California redwood tree for 738 days between December 10, 1997 and December 18, 1999. Hill lived in the tree, affectionately known as Luna, to prevent Pacific Lumber Company loggers from cutting it down. She is the author of the 2000 book The Legacy of Luna and co-author of One Makes the Difference.

I was telling this story to a co-worker this morning.  We were brain storming ideas about how to stop the apartment building that's being built in her back yard.  Thought you might enjoy it too, and anyone who makes this kind of commitment to what they believe in is a hero to me.  More importantly, the story needs to be honored and respected.  -John

Source: Julia Butterfly Hill - Wikipedia

About the Author
John Ashworth is an empathetic sales leader with an incredibly diverse background as a salesman, business consultant, marketing maniac, writer, Dad and full time Bohemian Athlete. aka Johnny Renaissance.

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