Every single one of us is fighting a great battle

written by john c ashworth

Every single one of us is fighting a great battle

Earlier this year, Gloria Vanderbilt died, and as I've committed myself to do, I read at least one really good article about the deceased and their unique story. Every single time, I am rewarded with inspiring stories, ideas, legacies and sometimes just a few words that have a profound affect on my daily life.

Of course, you could spend the entire year reading about each individual and diving deep into their histories and the legacies they have left behind for us, but that's just not possible, so I stick with my one article commitment and read about those individuals that are intriguing to me in some way or another.

There is one simple idea that Gloria Venerbilt left with us and that resonated with me completely. It is this…

"Every single person you meet is fighting a great battle. So, be kind."

On the surface, this seems a simple idea. One that should be easy to implement.

And yet…

We so often get busy with our own ideas. Our own agendas. Our own belief systems and positions. We get so busy moving forward that we forget to stop, breathe, reflect, and just be present. Be kind.

More importantly, we forget that every human connection we make on a daily basis is beautiful in its own way. Even the tough ones that make you silly with sarcasm and sardonic behavior.

In the midst of all this we forget completely the battles others face, because we ourselves are fighting so hard to keep from falling apart.

Stop yourself and listen.

Pay close attention to those with whom you come in contact each day. Plug-in to the universal truth that we are all connected in some way. The more present you can be with that idea, the more connected and powerful we become.


About the Author
John Ashworth is an empathetic sales leader with an incredibly diverse background as a salesman, business consultant, marketing maniac, writer, Dad and full time Bohemian Athlete. aka Johnny Renaissance.

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