The Real Threat of Terrosim in This Country

I'll be on Channel 15 news here again in Madison tonight. The topic for discussion is a recent study about childhood obesity and how prevalent it is in out society. You can click here for the post. And you can check back over the weekend for the archives video segment which always plays in the right hand column of this blog.

I encourage you to use this topic for your own press releases, story ideas, and media pitches. The study is fresh, in the news, important for humankind, and something that our new president is talking a lot about.

On Monday or Tuesday of next week, I will release both a press release on this subject, as well as another provocative take on the soda industry. Both will make great content for your fitness blogs and the soda article another opportunity for media exposure.

To get those articles and press releases, you will need to be subscribed to The FitnessProBlogger content service. I'm still offering it for only $37 per month. Click here for more information and to order


In the mean time, get an article about childhood obesity published to your blog and have a great weekend.


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