27 Great Tips for a Better Fitness Blog

OK, this is just a quick post and link to an article on a blog site I like to spend time reading. It's devoted entirely to blogging and how to write and rev up your blog site. The content is not devoted specifically to fitness pros, but most of it is appropriate for your fitness blog.

This particular post is absolutely loaded. You can find it by clicking here:

27 Must Read Tips and Tutorials for Bloggers

And I know you're busy and most likely don't have time to read the whole thing at once.  So, here are my recomendations for where to start reading on this particular post.  This post by the way is a series of links to other blog sites that have the excellent content.  Like I said, this one post might keep you busy for awhile.

Here are my top 5 recommendations for where to start:

1. A complete guide to finding and using Flickr Images: this one outlines where you can find great royalty free images for both your blog and web site.

2. Grow Your Google Authority: this one is super-techy but worth at least a look.  If you really want to improve your web site and your blog's ranking, you need to at least scratch the surface of knowledge about this stuff

3. How to Start Building Your Personal Brand: you've heard me mention this recently.  It's vitally important to your success, as a business owner, and in your career in general.

4. How to Write Great Blog Content - The Pillar Article: You absolutely must understand this premise and the importance of the types of content you need on your blog.  This article will help you get started.

5. 10 Reasons Readers Don't Leave Comments: comments are a huge boon for your blog.  They show others that people are truly interested in what you have to say.  That's powerful social proof!  Yet, often, people just don't leave their comments.  Here's why...

OK, that will get you started.  There's plenty more in that post and beyond.



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