How to Turn Yourself Into a Local Fitness Celebrity…

Imagine for a moment that you just received a phone call like the one I just had with a prospect (who just became a client). He or she says to you...

"Yeh, I've seen you on TV a number of times and I really liked what you had to say. I've been thinking about getting back into shape and so I decided that I should purchase some sessions with you."

I'm the first and last person he called and he was sold before he got here. Beautiful! The way it should be. And the way it's happened for me over and over again since I started doing my regular fitness segment on NBC locally here in Madison, WI.

One press release sent in just the right way. One performance that went off swimmingly, and I was on my way to becoming a local fitness celebrity. I've had a lot of fun, and the work has been great for business and my fitness career. So good for my career that I have a splendid surprise for you today!

I just finished uploading video #2 of three total that I just finished creating with the local news anchor I work with, Leigh Mills. Imagine that, Leigh and I have become great friends and she is a lot of fun to be around. She's also a fitness nut like me and always willing to take on new, fun, and interesting projects that will serve the greater good.

We have a lot in store for you so stay tuned. Right off the bat I have this 3-part video series designed to teach you how to do just what I've done.

You can read all about it here:

Hope to have you in this private club soon...


PS I have put together a series of emails and posts covering the topics Leigh and I have covered in this 3-part video series. Those alone will help you succeed. But if you want everything, including a copy of the EXACT press release I used to initially get Leigh's attention head on over right now to:

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