The Halloween Birthday Upsell

Ana dipping into her stash before heading out for another round...

Ana dipping into her stash before heading out for another round...

The Halloween Birthday Upsell

Halloween also happens to be the birthday for my baby
girl Ana.  She turned six this year, and once again,
I'm learning from her.  Here is what she did and it's a
great example for all of us.  What could you be doing
in your life to ask for more?

She walked up to every door in her Power Ranger Costume
and said two things.  First, it was the standard,
"Trick or Treat!"  And then?  She delivered three
simple words that increased her sale every time by at
least double...

"It's my birthday!"

She did this at almost every house she visited and in
every case, the personl answering the door would say
something like, "Well isn't that special.  What a great
day to have a birthday.  Why don't you take an extra
piece or two of candy for yourself..."  And she did.
She knows how to receive.  Kids almost always do.

Returning home later that evening she had almost twice
as much candy as her brother Carl, and they had visited
each house together as a team.  At one point, Carl
asked me if he should do the same, and I asked him,
"How do you think you'll feel when you get home later
knowing that you lied to everyone you met?"  "Not so
good he said."  And that was the end of that idea for
him.  Remember, you're always in charge when you're the
one asking the questions.

My challenge to you today is this...

If you're a fitness pro, what could you be doing in
your business today that would increase your conversion
rate if only you would ask for more.

If you're a fitness client of mine (and really this one
is for everyone), what could you be doing in your life
right now to simply ask for more than you currently
have.  Not because you don't appreciate and aren't
grateful for what you already do have (you are, aren't
you?), but because you believe and have faith that you
will receive more from life, if you simply ask for it
and then follow-through with the reception of what

Ana was simply following her instincts.  What would
happen if you followed yours?



On Sunday I sent a quick email announcing my new blog
content service and the membership site that is coming
sometime in the next two weeks.  This is a very special
offer that I highly encourage you to take advantage of
today.  Because even if you feel like you don't need
the primary offer, the bonus of the membership site
will save you money for all of 2010.  Check it out

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