
You can’t play perfectly all the time

written by john c ashworth Most forward thinking driven and self-motivated people are harder on themselves than they need to be. Don’t get me wrong, I think this is an important personality trait. Being driven to win and compete and measure-up to your competition and to the goals and aspirations you’ve set for yourself is…

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When you see a new trail, or a footprint you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing.

-UncheedahGrandmother of Ohiyesa Ohiyesa or Charles Alexander Eastman, was a Santee Dakota physician educated at Boston University. He was also a writer and reformer who in the early 20th century, was “one of the most prolific authors and speakers on Sioux ethnohistory [2] and American Indian affairs.” I love the quote in the title of this post…

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There is no such thing as auto-pilot when it comes to your goals and resolutions…

written by john c ashworth Usually, by this point in the year, most have abandoned their new years resolutions. Why? Ideas are the easy part. Most people don’t understand that in order to make changes that last, YOU also have to shake yourself out of the bad habits too. This effort takes a combination of…

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Luck is important and so is discipline

written by john c ashworth Recently, the idea of self-discipline and self-management has surfaced in my daily reading and notes. I read a ton down here in the the ash flash workshop. I have a multitude of notebooks jammed into bookshelves and into the corners of almost every room. All of them with some really…

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Living life as something bigger than yourself is a Hero’s journey

Living life as something bigger than yourself is a Hero’s journey.

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The work of change is excruciatingly slow for those who really want it…

written by john c ashworth The work of change is excruciatingly slow for those who really want it Real change that lasts often comes in very small increments that are hard to see. On an idle Friday afternoon halfway into November, you can either check-out for the day, or find a way to focus on…

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