Make a Bonfire of Your Reputation (when necessary)…

I think one of the greatest challenges for ALL of us as fitness pros is that on a daily basis we have to build our business around other people’s limitations.  For the most part, we succeed.  People change their lives for the better, and we have a positive impact on those we touch.  But there are always a few people who challenge our patience, our mission, and their own ability to grow and evolve.  And in the end, they make us better coaches.

I’ve written before about one of my biggest frustrations – when those around me justify their limitations. 

Limitations are OK.  We are all human.  But there is nothing worse than a situation where a client attempts to make a case for their negative attributes.  Example: “Well, it’s difficult for me to get motivated to cook for myself because it’s only me at home, and it just seems like a waste of time…”  Heard that one before?

I’ve heard that and so many others I could tell you stories for hours.  But in my new goal to remain positive at ALL times, I will refrain.  I write today on this topic both to share and to process one of my most recent frustrations.  And that’s as far as I’ll take it with you here today and in general.  After all, it’s Sunday, the weather is beautiful and I have a monarch butterfly cage to build, and a World Cup Final to watch.

Until we meet again though, here are a couple parting words…

For clients or prospective clients who might be reading this.  I don’t care that you’re not perfect.  Neither am I.  Ask almost anyone.  The only thing I ask from you is that you bring an open mind to every interaction we have.  That you bring a sense of trust both for me and for the spirit of the work we do together.  Likely, you will not always agree with me or feel all warm and fuzzy toward me.  That makes me a good coach.  But if your mind stays open, you won’t let those thorny interactions prevent you from enjoying the roses.

For my colleagues out there?

Stay true to your mission no matter what.  Don’t be passive, be reasonable and firm, and hold your ground when you need to.  Because if you don’t, no one else will.  And if at all possible, “make a bonfire of your reputation when you need to make your point.”  Goodness knows, the world needs more of that!

…be a fitness nomad

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