written & produced by john c ashworth

When you're willing to strip away all of the heresay and BS, the idea of how to eat health and stay in shape is not complex. The infomercials want you to believe otherwise. They want to prey on your emotions and your inability thus far to achive your health, fitness and weight loss goals. That's how they get you to buy their stuff. Always remember that.

There is NO Secret to your health and fitness program.

How to eat health and stay in shape

Here's one example...

Are you interested in eating heathier?

Spend some time each week creating a mean plan that makes sense for you and your family. Something that strives for balance between healthy, whole foods cooking, the time you have available, and the energy you might have on each day to cook. When I work all day, for example, and wy wife is also working and not home until after 8 PM, I don't love having to go upstairs, catch-up on the day's dishes, walk and feed the dog, and then begin prepping a mean at 6:30 PM that won't be finished cooking until 7:30 or 8. On those nights, something simple but homemade is best.

My wife, Laura gets ALL of the credit for the meal plan each week. She has been dutifully preparing our families meals and plans for more than twenty years now. This is a lot of work and she doesn't love it. But it sure has made an amazing difference for our family.

Many of the meals we make at home are created by these three amazing people and shared on Pinterest. Today, I wanted to share these folks with you and encourage you to check-out their stuff. I also wanted to share the folder I've been keeping on pinterest titled,

"Stuff John Makes."

I've made everything on this board and most of it more than once. Today (Sunday) I'm going to put the broccoli, ham, cheddar, soup into the crockpot so that I can go explore the outdoors here in Wisconsin this afternoon.

This pinterest board is not everything I cook, but there's some good stuff in there and one of the running themes with the three chefs I love listed below, is that these meals are easy to make and don't require a lot of time and energy.

Here are my four favorite Pinterest Chefs. Bev Cooks is my favorite because I love her writing and her blog too 🙂 But they are all fantastic and every one of them an important part of our family's meal plans over the years.

  1. Bev Cooks
  2. Cooking classy
  3. Iowa Girl Cooks
  4. Damn Delicious

One more resource is newer for me but I love this woman's personality and attitude in the kitchen. ..."when a soup becomes a stew, it's a beautiful story." Start with that recipe alone and you'll likely be hooked Alison and the idea of cooking more of your own meals at home.

Let me know what you think.

And, one more thing, keep your health and fitness program simple. Find consistency with that simplicity. Build outward from there.

...just do it, you'll feel so much better.


PS When I was running my fitness business full-time back in 2003-2013, I liked to call it 'supportive nutrition.' I think it helps to think about it that way. We all get so caught-up in feeling like we have to be so much better when it comes to eating healthier. When you embrace the idea that your nutrition supports your fitness program, and your life in general, then good eating becomes more meaningful and fulfilling. You should never feel deprived.

PPS I ate at Culver's last night. I love sweets and have a very hard time staying away from carbs and pretzels - an all time favorite in the evening after dinner. Thank goodness I gave up alcohol ~10 years ago or I would weigh-in today a lot heavier than I do now; and technically, I should weigh less than I do right now and I'm constantly working on that, because this is constantly a work in progress. Stay with it!


About john c ashworth

John C Ashworth is a modern day renaissance man & bohemian athlete who has amassed a wide variety of skills and expertise in many different subjects including, fitness, sales, marketing, video production, copy writing, exercise physiology, clinical exercise physiology, fishing, parenting, buying cars without getting ripped off, blogging and content marketing and creation that will help you drive sales.

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About the Author
John Ashworth is an empathetic sales leader with an incredibly diverse background as a salesman, business consultant, marketing maniac, writer, Dad and full time Bohemian Athlete. aka Johnny Renaissance.

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