NBC 15 News Segments

Why success is like a White Tuxedo

written by john c ashworth, ma My son Carl graduated from 8th grade yesterday and during the ceremony, which was the best one I’ve ever been a part of, one of his teachers was chosen by the students to speak to them.  His words were some of the most inspiring of the day.  Later, I…

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[fitness friday] Your Grip Strength Predicts Mortality Heart Attacks. In this Study, better than Your Blood Pressure…

written by john c Ashworth, ma Watch this video to learn how grip strength predicts mortality Read this post to discover how grip strength predicts mortality. A few years ago I published my first book. In that book I spent a great deal of time discussing the importance of strength training as a powerful strategy…

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Two minutes of exercise may be all you need…

written by john c ashworth, ma That’s right.  Two minutes of exercise may be all you need to live longer. Of course, that headline is designed to grab your attention and plant the seed for the real story.  But you’re here!  So, stick with me for the next few minutes and allow me to explain….

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How to get HOT and lose weight

written by John c Ashworth Last time on Fitness Friday, Leigh Mills and I discussed the concept of EPOC or “exercise post oxygen consumption” or what really means, how and why high intensity exercise is the key to your weight loss success. Because when you workout hard enough your body has to work that much…

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[fitness friday] Tension headache remedies…5 Exercises YOU can Perform at YOUR Desk to relieve upper back and neck tightness

written by john c ashworth, ma special thanks to Carl, my cubicle mate, for taking these photos 🙂 It’s 2 pm. Your energy is low. You haven’t moved enough during the day. You’ve spent far too long sitting in your office chair and staring at that computer screen. Instead of heading for the vending machine,…

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A very simple yet effective total body workout you can do at home

produced by john c ashworth A very simple yet effective total body workout you can do at home. produced by john c ashworth This is a very simple workout you can do at home. Believe it or not, there are hundreds of workouts to do at home.  Which is good news, since I know many…

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[fitness friday] Stretching is NOT Always Best

created by John Ashworth & Leigh Mills produced by NBC 15 of Madison, WI When your muscles ache, you might be inclined to do nothing more than wait for the pain to pass over the next few days.  Or, if you’re smart, you stretch a little, drink a lot of water, and take a nap…

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