A very simple yet effective total body workout you can do at home

produced by john c ashworth

A very simple yet effective total body workout you can do at home.

workouts to do at home

produced by john c ashworth

This is a very simple workout you can do at home.

Believe it or not, there are hundreds of workouts to do at home.  Which is good news, since I know many of you out there struggle with finding time for exercise.  The first objection to this idea, of course, is the one that you have to invest in a lot of fancy fitness equipment in order to create an ideal workout environment.  This really isn't true, and this workout is a great example.  In fact, I've seen many fantastic and elaborate home gyms that have all the latest equipment but that ultimately get left unused or utilized for other things.

Here is the exercise list:

1. Kettle Bell Squat with Side-Step - you can use anything heavy.  It does not need to be a kettle bell.

2. Burpees - this is a burpee with a spider man push-up.  An advanced move.  If you are a beginner.  Try this modified burpee instead.

3. Step-ups - this link will actually take you to an entirely different workout where step-ups are included.

Perform 15 repetitions of each, and then move to the next exercise.  Keep going for 7-minutes straight.  Check your heart rate along the way.


PS   You might also consider my virtual coaching service.  You can find out more about this unique program by visiting thefitnessnomad.com

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About the Author
John Ashworth is an empathetic sales leader with an incredibly diverse background as a salesman, business consultant, marketing maniac, writer, Dad and full time Bohemian Athlete. aka Johnny Renaissance.

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